image of pregnancy hub logo

Welcome to
he Pregnancy HUB

Sign Up - Helping Peer Membership

The Pregnancy HUB offers annual memberships for helping peers and people with lived or living experience who support pregnant, postpartum and newly parenting people across BC.

Helping Peer |  Sign Up

illustrated image of hands wrapped around a small heart that has the Pregnancy HUB logo in the middle of the heart.

Helping Peer Membership - free 

Offered to helping peers or people with lived or living experience who supports pregnant, postpartum or newly parenting people as an employee or volunteer of an organization (or has a desire to do so). 

Membership benefits include:

    • Be the first to know when the Resource HUB is updated with new evidence-based information to share with your participants or clients.
    • Receive digital social media kits and resources to help you connect your participants or clients to the HUB.
    • Receive networking and training opportunities aimed at peers who support pregnant, postpartum and newly parenting people.

Who should apply?  Any peer or person with lived or living experience who is employed by or volunteers for an organization that supports pregnant, postpartum and newly parenting people.

illustrated image of a person with a thought bubble containing a question mark.
Membership questions?
Contact us at 

Complete the form below to sign up for a The Pregnancy HUB - Helping Peer Membership.

Click on your preferred membership level, and then follow the prompts to complete your registration.

The Pregnancy HUB - Helping Peer - Free Subscription period: Unlimited

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The Pregnancy HUB is a program hosted by BCAPOP.

contact us | about BCAPOP | donate  
charitable registration number: 82153 3072 RR0001

We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.


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